Fireplace Screens
We can only enjoy an indoor fire knowing that our family and home are safe. A roaring fire on a cold winter night is a simple pleasure that can warm the heart and soul. However, if you don’t have a sturdy fireplace screen, you could be asking for trouble.

Browse Fireplace Screens & Screen Doors
Dependable and Decorative Fireplace Screens In-Stock
Available in a number of styles and designs, our fireplace screens give you peace of mind knowing your home is protected from the hazards a fire can potentially cause.

We offer a great selection of dependable and decorative fireplace screens that will prevent burning logs from rolling onto your floor and keep embers and sparks in the confines of the fireplace.
When you leave a room and the fire is still going, it certainly helps to know that your fire will be well-contained by one of our fireplace screens. Having a secure fireplace screen in place ensures that you and your guests can be both comfortable and relaxed.
Whether you need a fireplace screen for an existing fireplace or one you’re about to design, we carry many styles and sizes to match your decor. Don’t let sparks, embers and log rolls ruin your cozy evening. Come to our Wethersfield showroom to view our high-quality fireplace screens.